Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bachata Dancing!

Bachata dancing is another popular dance in the Dominican Republic. Much like the salsa, it is a very sexual dance that is performed all over the country. It originated in the countryside and rural neighborhoods of the Dominican Republic. In recent years it has become quite popular, but some people refuse to dance it claiming that it is "the dance of the poor."

The bachatas subjects are often romantic and involve tales of heartbreak and sadness. A famous Bachata singing group is Aventura. They sing of a lot of heartbreak and pain that coming from losing a loved one.
The bachata can be danced with or without a bounce and typically requires a lot of footwork and free style moves. With the bachata you typically keep the upper half of your body still and only move your hips.

Instructions are best described by Ashley Martinez (


Things You'll Need:

  • The song "No Es Amor" by Aventura
  • A CD player
  • Comfortable shoes
  1. Step1

    Listen to the music to feel the rhythm. Starting counting along with the music "1, 2, 3, 4" and repeat "1, 2, 3, 4." Start stepping with the beats, moving horizontally.

  2. Step2

    Lift the hip on the fourth beat. This dance is a three-step dance, so it will go, stepping horizontally, "right, left, right, lift the left hip," then the other side "left, right, left, lift the right hip."

  3. Step3

    Step with the beat. Feel the rhythm of the music. As you get more advanced, your hips will initiate the movements. You won't think as much about the steps as you will about moving with the music.

  4. Step4

    Grab your partner (who will mirror your movements) and sway together. Although this dance can be practiced alone, it is typically a partner dance

    Once you get the hang of it the Bachata is quite fun! Take your time and enjoy yourself. Look at this YouTube Video to see two Dominicans dancing the Bachata beautifully!

    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    Maria Holiday

    Interview with Maria Holiday!

    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    Salsa Dancing!


    I thought this week we would take a deeper look into Dominican dancing. Last week I showed you dance contents from a blog a women in the Dominican Republic started, so this week we will break down the three types of dances in the Dominican Republic. We will start with the salsa.

    Salsa dancing is very sexual and extremely fast. It can often times be hard to get down, but with practice, I know you can do it! Salsa dancing orginated in Cuba but is now preformed all over the world. It is amazing to watch and very captivating!

    Salsa is a Spanish word for "sauce," meaning spicy. People have suggested that it is called "salsa dancing" because it is a mixture of motions that are "spicy" or sexy and hot. It is usually a partner dance although in rare occasions it is preformed alone. Salsa dancing is popular throughout Latin America, but also in the United States and Europe.
    Notice the photos of these salsa dancers. They are very serious yet it is still sexual.
    If you are curious about how to perform the steps check out YouTube and simply type in "Salsa Dancing." They have great tutorial videos!

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    You can do it anywhere!

    Hello my little dancers!

    I thought I would share something I came across with you all in hopes that it will spark an idea. I have began to follow a blog about a one women's life in the Dominican Republic. What does that have anything to do with our dancing blog? Well, the D.R. is known for some of their vibrant dances and the culture that surrounds them (we will get into this later). While living in the D.R. she started a dancing school. I thought this would be a perfect example of how you can dance any place, you don't need a studio or professional dance music!

    The little girls from the area come to her house every week for a dance lesson which is held in her living room. She started this dancing school simply because she loved to dance and wanted to share this love with others.

    I encourage you all to follow her blog, or at least check out her blog about the dance school. The pictures are adorable!

    Las Princesas Dance School

    Until we talk our way through some more news, adios!

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    It is time we bring dance to the White House!

    After watching this video I realized that I would love to throw a dance party at the White House!

    American seems to be caught up in a angry swirl that we have not experience in years. I think that the best way for everyone to shake it off would be... well to actually shake ti! There is no better time than now for the White House to showcase the performing arts, especially dance, which demonstrates unity and creativity.

    Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    "Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"

    I thought I would start this blog off by showing you a little dirty dancing! This is the ultimate dancing scene in history (well at least in my opinion).

    If you have not seen "Dirty Dancing" I recommend you do so. I promise you will be highly impressed!

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    The world of dance!

    Whether it is cold outside or the sun is heating things up, it is always a good time to dance! Dancing is the ultimate form of expression that is completely unique to you and only you. When you are dancing it is entirely your time to move however you would like. It is interesting because it's unlikely that someone will make the exact same move as you, in the exact same place. I like to think of dancing as an escape from normal everyday life, so I have decided to blog about dancing.

    I myself have been dancing since I was in diapers. Am I a professional dancer? Far from it! Do I teach dance? No idea how! But this has never stopped me from dancing.

    In this blog I am going to inform you about different types of dance (ballet, jazz, traditional dancing and my favorite, salsa) and the culture associated with each. I will highlight some of the top dance videos/movies I have seen. We will also take a look at some famous pop stars and their dancing talents. We will pretty much just explore the world of dance as entertainment, and a way to stay young, happy, and healthy!

    Check back for fun updates on dancin